Social Justice Outreach
Chair: Peggy Gessler, 410-531-5039,
Vice-Chair: John Wilkin
Chair Emeritus: Gina Maclean
The Social Justice Committee (SJC) is driven by one common help the less fortunate in our midst. The committee was founded in 1990 by four parishioners wanting to assist the St. Ambrose Outreach Center in Baltimore City. The committee now has a variety of projects that enables parishioners to answer the call of Catholic Social Teaching through advocacy, education, donation, and participation.
On this page is a list of outreach ministries. Click on their link to find descriptions and coordinators' phone numbers and email addresses. Many of these ministries offer opportunities for community/parish service hours for students and confirmation candidates.
The Social Justice Committee meets at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month (except July) via Zoom.
If you have questions, want to attend a meeting, or for more information, contact Committee Chair, Peggy Gessler.
Interested in helping?
Sign up for
"How Can I Help?"
to find out about immediate needs we have in our food pantry, from our service partners,
or for volunteers.
To sign up for that mailing list:
List of Outreach Ministries
Howard County/Baltimore Area:
PLEASE NOTE: There are other organizations in the parish that sponsor outreach and educational activities (Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, Men's Club, Scouts, etc.) Visit their pages to learn more about what they do.