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Fr. Andy's Pastor's Corner

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Dear Friends, Jan 25-26


This weekend we have the Third weekend in Ordinary Time, Year C. And our first reading, from the Book of Nehemiah, chapter 8, has a leader in the Jewish community, Ezra, calling the Jewish community together: men, women and children, back to their faith in the God of Israel. They stand together while the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) are read – the Torah. And after these books are read the people commit themselves again to following their Jewish faith.


In our lives too we sometimes need to take a look again at how we are following our Savior Jesus. Here are some upcoming events happening in our pastorate which might be helpful to you recommitting to

following Jesus in his Church in a stronger way:


  1. On Sun Feb 2 from 6:30-8pm at the main church at Resurrection we will have a talk by Mr. Sean Fry. Sean will share about his own faith in a talk called “Just Breathe" to help us get to know the Champion in his life – Jesus.  Bring your family and friends to hear Sean's story as a way to better follow Jesus in his Church. ALL ARE WELCOME and it's FREE!  No registration is necessary, but if you let us know you are coming that will help us in planning.  Contact Laura at

  2. On Tues Feb 11 at 7pm in the main church at Resurrection we will have a talk by Fr. John Riccardo. Fr. John is a nationally known Catholic priest who helps people to have a real relationship with Jesus and his Church. He is so well-thought-of that the Archdiocese of Baltimore is bringing him to our diocese to speak to all the parish staffs from throughout the archdiocese the next day on Wed Feb 12. But you can attend the night before at an event here in Ellicott City. I highly encourage you to take ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A CLOSER WALK WITH JESUS IN THE CHURCH AND SO TO BLESS YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF THOSE AROUND YOU. You can also access a QR code on both the St. Paul and Resurrection facebook pages. The Archdiocese is advertising that they are taking a free-will offering of $10.

  3. Finally, I would like to personally push the two retreats coming up soon. One is for women and one is for men.  They are put on by our pastorate and I help with the retreats. They will entail some time on your behalf (Thurs evening through Sunday morning) and there is a price tag ($330 if you are able) for three nites and meals at the Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriottsville….but this is also a great opportunity to try to grow in your faith. I went on a very similar retreat years ago and it was helpful to me. And with all the things we do in life, to give part of two days and then two full days towards our faith is worth it. The women’s ACTS Retreat will be Mar 6-9 and the men’s retreat will be Apr 24-27. Registration is now open and you can access registration through info posted on the facebook pages (look for the ads for the men’s and women’s ACTS retreats.) For info:  Ellie at for the women’s retreat and Arnie for the men’s retreat.


Finally, please keep the ANNUAL APPEAL for CATHOLIC MINISTRIES in your prayers. Please go to  


Peace and keep praying!  Fr. Andy

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